Sanctions or fines are applied by municipal police officers only. Agents who verify wrong behavior and misconduct apply sanctions based on regulations related to any type of infringement. The details for payment or possible dispute are indicated below. If you received a speeding excess fine, detected by fixed or mobile equipment (velox, scout, fotored) you can view the frames directly at the Municipal Police that noticed the infringement.

Contact office: Municipal Police

Telephone: Office 0536 240024 / Fax 0536 240165 / Canine Registry Office(“Anagrafe Canina”) 0536 240166 / Emergency Cellphone 329 7504432

Opening and public reception:
From Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 13.00
Thursday 8.30-13.30 and 14.30-18.30
Saturday and Sunday closed
Opening and reception of insurance experts:

Tuesday 8.30-13.00
Opening and public reception only Canine Registry Office (“Anagrafe Canina”):
Tuesday 14.30-17.30

Piazza Libertà 33 41053 Maranello (MO)

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